Blaze and Kelly
Singer Songwriter / Acoustic Rock Boise, ID, USA
Singer /songwriter, Niccole Blaze and her bassist, Mo Kelly draw an audience with their compelling lyrics and angelic harmonies that audiences’ say “open your heart and tear it apart at the same time.” With influences ranging from Bonnie Raitt to the Indigo Girls, they are known for their comic banter both on and off the stage. Read More...
Influenced by: Mary Chappin, Indigo Girls, Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Merchant, Janis Joplin
Band Members: Niccole Blaze - Vocals, Mo Kelly - Vocals
Featured Songs
“This dynamic acoustic duet grabbed the attention of our 5000 attendees this year. Sharing the stage with the “Greencards,” they offered a riveting performance. They were so well received that Plum TV invited them to perform live on their show the next day! ”
Kit Neraas, director - Northern Rockies Folk Festival
“Blaze N Kelly electrified the audience during a recent show @the Botanical Garden. Their rich voices soared to the tops of the trees, holding concert-goers spellbound with familiar standards and original tunes. If you haven’t heard them yet, you are truly missing out on a wonderful experience!”
Doreen Martinek - Botanical Garden Concert Series
“Niccole Blaze reels you in with her charm and owns you with her voice. A little Gershwin and some Patsy Cline felt as comfortable as a favorite sweater but her original tunes made me glad to try on a whole new wardrobe. A pure delight!”
Gayle Keats - Edwards Concert Series
Promotional Materials
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